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The 5-stripped Shirts You Can’t Live Without

If you’re anything like me, you could be walking through a store that is crammed with clothes in every colour imaginable and will drift towards stripped shirts instantly. You’ll fall in love with the fabric even though you already have the same print at home, you’ll pick up a sleeve, fall even deeper but then justify your way out of it… Then a day or two later, you’ll come back and buy it.

At the end of last year it actually became such a problem, I was buying similar shirts in the exact same colour that I had to step back and take a long hard look at myself. Now in remission, I don’t have the same urge to buy a top but I can damn well appreciate one.

After owning my fair share of beautiful merchandise, I would like to pass on the wisdom. Below are the 5-stripped shirts you need to buy now.

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