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The Vintage revolution – How to make money from your (and others’) wardrobe

Find yourself limping through those last days before your pay check? Spending all your money on comfort food now that it is hibernation season? Praying for a pay rise that is still a while away?

Don’t loose your SH!T, there’s a concept that is sweeping the web that is quietly happening behind the scenes to take your rags and make them riches.

Ebay, Etsy and social media groups purely for the purpose of selling your “once loved” clothes are old news but the Vintage Revolution pioneered by Sophia Amoruso a.k.a #GIRLBOSS is something that is cropping up in more 20 something social groups around Australia.

I am the first to admit I don’t have a keen eye when it comes to scouring Vinnie’s or Salvation Army stores but throughout my life, I have always had a handful of friends whose one gift seemed to be taking strangers’ trash and making it treasure. Their whole wardrobes would be made up of $5 to $15 gems that, when styled into a complete outfit, could be mistaken for high fashion pieces.

The Vintage Revolution refers to these thrifty geniuses that are scouting key pieces in these second hand stores, buying them cheap and selling them for a higher profit on the internet, not a bad gig! Sophia Amoruso, former CEO of the multi-million dollar fashion store Nasty Gal started her career selling second hand pieces on the internet, helping her found the Nasty Gal “Vintage” that organically blossomed into the Nasty Gal we know today.

Once the clothes have been bought, take professional or appealing photos and upload them to any and all buy, swap & sell websites and watch the money rain in.

Next time you are strapped for cash and have a couple of hours free, head down to the local Op-Shop and source your key pieces - You never know, it could be the start of a great career.

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