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Werk, werk, werk, werk, werk...

I work a lot, and by a lot I mean A LOT! I currently work at FBI Fashion College 5 days a week and I also study there. I intern at Cosmopolitan Magazine 1 day a week, and every now and then I pull a Sunday shift at TopShop in the CBD. On top of all of that, I write for this amazing blog … I’ve worked my ass off since I moved to Sydney at the start of 2015, but I love it and hard work pays off.

When work is a massive chunk of your life, work wear becomes almost all you can wear. I relish the days when I can wear jeans or a short denim skirt as these are big no-no’s in fashion business. So what do I wear to work? I have a very basic collection of outfits (mostly black) that I rotate on a weekly basis. I usually adding a red or burgundy lip, unless I am at Cosmo because one lipstick stain can result in a $500 cleaning bill for the mag and that would probably end my internship!

But instead of showcasing my own work attire, let's talk about the outfits I WISH I had for work. I will give you some of my favourite aspirational outfits. You may think that the fashion biz is all about Carrie Bradshaw pumps and long flowing hair, but in reality, it’s about stark white sneakers and low sleek ponytails. Practicality is running the show and beauty is waving happily from the backseat.

So without further ado, here are my top 3 picks for stylist work wear:


I’ve spoken before about how metallic pleats are gaining traction. I love this combination of white and grey. It’s not as common to see much colour in the fashion industry, so white adds a bright, clean and crisp feel to an outfit. I would wear this outfit with these black pointy-toed Tony Bianco boots to match the clutch.


Black can be boring but this easy dress can be thrown on with anything, it also transitions really well from work to a late night dinner or drinks.


I have a Garry Pepper girl-crush: Nicole Warne is ultimate goals! This photo was taken very early on in her career, and the shoes would not be my pick, but the rest of the outfit is super cute and a great option for the spring season.

If you don’t want to spend all your money on these outfits, try TopShop and Zara for alternatives, they are my work go to!

I rarely get photographed in my work wear but I have a couple of photos from a work trip to Paris a few months ago (haha I look like such a wanker. These are my, “oh, your holding a camera, I didn’t even see you” photos).

Kaiya X

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