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How to wake up like a boss

My first alarm goes off at 6:40am, as soon as the first chime is heard, my boyfriend grumbles and I snooze it for another 7 minuets and then another…… and then another. Once I reluctantly roll out of the warmth of my bed, I sleepwalk towards an outfit that I have preplanned the night before. Its all black 90% of the time (to much my soul) - black cigarette pants with a loose black top or black culottes with a black turtle neck, always loose at the top and flowy at the bottom or visa versa, and ALWAYS black boots. Black is an unfortunately easy tone to wear, you know that a black top will go with any of your black bottoms easy peasy.

After I have very quietly dressed, I spray a hint of my current favorite perfume, Burberry Brit Sheer Eau de Toilette, grab my makeup bag and head to the kitchen. I grab a bowl of muesli and yogurt with an instant coffee that totes tastes like the real thing (something I have had to convince myself over the last few years because I refuse to spend $35 a week on coffee).

Then I eat my breakfast in the bathroom as I put on my makeup. First I apply concealer, then foundation and powder to give my skin a matte finish. I also cake on a tonne of highlighter, it is my favourite! Next I fill in my eyebrows with some brown eye shadow, curl my eyelashes and apply mascara, (cue meerkat) simples.

I always end up taking my sweet time so the simpler my routine, the better. I also like to mix up my routine with some cardio, thank god I inherited my Mum’s “always late” gene and run for the bus almost every morning so by the time I get to work I have a healthy glow.

Kaiya X

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