Mundane marvels: the poncho

I think there are a lot of mundane marvels in life. Sometimes it’s hard to see them when life throws all it can at you, and you’re sitting at the bottom of your shower wondering where your life went wrong, or what you’re having for dinner.
I’m not some sort of spiritual, calm, positive god or goddess such as Buddha or Oprah. I don’t think that life is full of unicorns and glitter. However, there are some wonderful things in life that should be appreciated more. The little things in life that you never really notice how great they are, or sometimes just forget. So, I am here to spread the word about the mundane marvels of life.
Let’s talk about Ponchos. Yes, those weird square pieces of material that your grandmother would wear, AKA the new god of clothes. Here are some reasons as to why ponchos will change your whole damn life.
You know those days where you have to leave your house, but your bed is whispering sweet things in your ear like, “you don’t need a job when you have a blanket” or “degrees? Who needs one when you can have 30 degrees of warmth with this blanket!” Well, this sort of sweet talk is convincing, but with a poncho you can wear a blanket out. Bam. Who knew it was possible to wear a blanket out in public? It is with a poncho. You’re welcome.
You always look super arty, which then makes you seem super mysterious. You’re late to something? You were probably designing some new pottery. At a café by yourself? Probably just writing your fourth novel. You turn up to university with toothpaste marks on your black jeans? It’s probably white paint, you’re totally painting an abstract poncho masterpiece.
Ever been uncomfortable in your clothes? Went for the pizza instead of the salad and your shirt button keeps popping open, rudely suggesting you took it too far? A poncho won’t do this to you. Like a good role model or peer, a poncho will never restrict you or your dreams. Want to have chips with your burger? A poncho will never stop you, it will support you all the way.
Depending on what poncho you have, you can change your appearance completely. Are you Clint Eastwood? Are you an 80-year-old jazz dance instructor from the 80s? WHO KNOWS. It’s all up to you and your new friend, the poncho.
Have you ever had to sneak some food into the cinemas because you didn’t want to pay $7 for a bottle of water? Or had to sneak a bottle of wine to your bedroom without wanting your housemate seeing and thinking you need help? These things are all possible with a poncho. You can fit anything in your poncho! Even a whole bag of chips and chocolates (I heard from anonymous sources.)
Have I convinced you that ponchos are possibly the most amazing/versatile/god-like piece of clothing? If you doubt my almost television-sales like approach to selling it to you, you might just have to get one and try it out yourself.
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