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Don't hate me because I'm a vegetarian

Earlier this week, author Richard Cornish did an interview with the ABC and discussed his experience as a vegetarian. He said that vegetarians and vegans were "hated and bullied in Australia" and told us a story: "You'll ask for a vegetarian pasty and bite into it and go, 'there's meat', and they [Richard's 'friends'] say, 'yeah, but there's vegetables, too'.

I am vegetarian and I have never faced the type of abuse that Richard has. In my experience, people are understanding, if not a bit curious. I even have friends who, if there is a chance a meal may contain meat, will try it for me before I eat it (the reward for them is that they get to eat more food, it's a win-win situation for poor university students).

I didn't know how to react to this article. It seemed so unreal. Then I had to remind myself that we live in a society that is judgemental about how people dress, where people come from and I guess that now, our food choices are to be laughed at too. What an exciting time to be alive.

There are far more important things to focus on such as eradicating world hunger, slowing climate change or even worry about the state of our economy. But no. Instead, let us laugh, tease and treat our 'friends' with such little respect - how entertaining! (please note my heavy use of sarcasm).

On that note, in a time of global uncertainty and high tensions it would be wonderful if we could learn to accept one another as people, rather than seeing people as a certain religion, or as a vegan, vegetarian or a breatharian (I do not understand this choice of diet but to all you breatharians, I accept your choice).

Lastly, this goes out to Richard. Please surround yourself with better people (image included below of some good friends).

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