GHOSTBUSTERS HATERS, put away your pitchforks.

Ever since the announcement of Paul Feig's Ghostbusters reboot in early 2015, the film has been lashed with indignant criticism.
Even our cheese-skinned Republican friend shared his two cents:
Reviving a cult-classic is always a risky move, but casting four hilarious and talented women shouldn't make that any riskier.
The hatred the film has received online is beyond astonishing. The film's trailer has accumulated the most dislikes of any YouTube trailer.

After heading out to 'Brainwash myself with feminist propaganda', aka, see the movie on Thursday, I was thoroughly impressed. Feig treads the line between fresh humour and giving audiences a dose of slime-filled nostalgia. Melissa McCarthy and Kirstin Wiig unite once more as the power couple we adored in Bridesmaids. They're joined by SNL stars Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones who both had me in stiches. The soundtrack is fantastic and Aussie Chris Hemsworth does us proud as the clueless receptionist.
It stands on its own. The popularity of movies like Bridesmaids and Pitch Perfect doesn't indicate gender equality for Hollywood. The mobs have come out with their pitchforks sharpened to blame the gender of these actresses for 'violating their childhood'.

It's a movie, and that's all it should be. I didn't like Shark Tale, but I still sleep at night.
Despite the refusal of many to 'fuel the disgusting franchise' by actually seeing it, they'll tell you that the reboot destroys the film's legacy. It is vital that we celebrate the steps this movie has taken towards equilibrating the equality of on-screen representation.
Here are some steps you can take to make sure you're not part of the mob:
Go and see the movie. Go on Tuesday. It's cheap. Get some popcorn. Get a frozen Coke. Accept that you'll spill it all over your lap when you jump with fear.
Enjoy the movie.
Finish the movie.
Meditate if that's your thing.
Realise it's just a movie.
If you enjoy it, recommend it to a friend and give it a thumbs up on IMDB. They deserve it.
If you didn't enjoy it, sit down with a glass of wine, light a few candles and write down your feelings.
If any of these have anything to do with gender, cross them out.
If there are any remaining problems, share them with the world! You have the right to an opinion!
You’ll laugh, you’ll be terrfieid and you probably won’t be personally offended by the gender of the cast. Head out and give it a watch.
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